
Everyone knows what time is. We can practically feel it ticking away, marching on in the same direction with horrifying regularity. Time has enslaved the Western world and become our most precious commodity. Turn it over to the physicists however, and it begins to morph, twist and even crumble away. So what is time exactly?
This podcast featuring Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist at Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Centre for Fundamental Concepts in Science, explores this difficult question and accompanies our What is time article.
A possible way of resolving the greatest problem of physics.
On the seventh day of advent we venture to a dark place we will never return from
Open door #1 and scroll through our changing understanding of gravity...
Would you like to get away from Earth? Here's how fast you would need to go.
Physicists believe that around 82% of all the matter in the Universe is invisible dark matter. But if it's invisible how do they know it's there?
A quick introduction to one of the greatest discoveries of the century.
A quick introduction to the monsters that lurk at the centre of each galaxy.
David Tong explains one of the most important equations in science.