Advent calendar door #16: Chocolate and mayonnaise

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Advent calendar door #16: Chocolate and mayonnaise

Chocolate and mayonnaise are two of our all time favourite foods, so we were very happy to get the chance to talk to Valerie Pinfield, Professor of Engineering at Loughborough University, who has used maths to work on both chocolate and mayonnaise.

In May 2023 we talked to Valerie at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge where Valerie she was then co-organising a research programme on the mathematical theory and applications of multiple wave scattering. As we will find out, this has a huge range of applications, from understanding mayonnaise to making invisibility cloaks.

While Valerie is a professor at the University of Loughborough now, her career path has also involved work in industry and time out for kids, so we also asked her for some advice for women mathematicians and scientists wondering how to build their career.

For more content about the research programme on multiple wave scattering at the INI, see here.

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This podcast was produced as part of our collaboration with the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) – you can find all the content from the collaboration here

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