
Discover the Living Proof podcast!

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Discover the Living Proof podcast!

Dan Aspel

Dan Aspel, host of the Living Proof podcast.

The Isaac Newton Institute (INI) is our neighbour at the University of Cambridge and it's a very exciting place. It gives mathematicians from around the world the space and time to think and talk about cutting edge research as part of dedicated research programmes. Some amazing mathematical moments have occurred at the INI, including the announcement of the proof of Fermat's famous last theorem.

Luckily for non-mathematicians, the INI has a podcast called Living Proof, which is aimed at a general audience. Hosted by the INI's Dan Aspel, guests on the podcast range from visiting academics to mathematicians, other scientists, musicians, artists, students, and prominent figures within the University of Cambridge and beyond. From the maths of cycling to being a female mathematician, there are lots of topics to explore. Enjoy!

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