Find out about the applications of origami — Maths-Art seminar on 9 June

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Find out about the applications of origami — Maths-Art seminar on 9 June

<i>Pegasus</i> made by Robert J. Lang from one uncut square of Korean hanji paper. Image courtesy <a href=''> Robert J. Lang</a>.

Pegasus made by Robert J. Lang from one uncut square of Korean hanji paper. Size: 7 inches. Image courtesy Robert J. Lang.

If you've ever marvelled at the elegance of a paper crane or just struggled to refold a map you will enjoy the next Maths-Art seminar from the London Knowledge Lab.

Applications of Origami will be a practical, hands-on workshop and presentation by Mark Bolitho and members of the British Origami Society. The presentation will cover recent developments in origami and present some of the projects Mark has worked on. It will also review how origami techniques have been adopted in applied design from architecture to product design.

DATE: Thursday 9th June
TIME: 5.00 to 7.30pm
PLACE: London Knowledge Lab, 23-29 Emerald St, London, WC1N 3QS

The Maths-Art seminars are free to attend and everyone welcome. You don't need a reservation but an email to is appreciated for planning purposes. You can also watch past Maths-Art seminars on YouTube and read more about the maths of origami on Plus.