The Math/Maths podcast ... Plus reports from India

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The Math/Maths podcast ... Plus reports from India

For the latest episode of the Math/Maths podcast Peter Rowlett interviewed a very tired and exhausted Plus, reporting from the ICM in Hyderabad, India. It's nice to be on the other side of the microphone for a change! The podcast also explores Roberto Carlos' free kick; A New Kind of Baseball Math; More on P !=NP; The #mathgeek experiment; Clustered Networks; measuring physical constants; testing string theory; Twitter Venn; Mangahigh; and more.

The Math/Maths Podcast: 5136 miles of mathematics is a weekly conversation about mathematics between the UK and USA from Peter Rowlett in Nottingham calls Samuel Hansen in Las Vegas and the pair chat about math and maths that has been in the news, that they've noticed and that has happened to them.