News from the world of maths: History of maths writing competition

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News from the world of maths: History of maths writing competition

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

History of maths writing competition

The History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America (HOMSIGMAA) has just launched a writing competition for undergraduates. The MAA invites students to write on any topic in mathematical history they choose, and winners will receive a year-long MAA student membership, as well as books from the MAA bookstore. Closing date is the 31st of March 2009. For more information, visit the HOMSIGMAA website.

And if you're not a student, or want to write about something other than history, or simply want to be published in Plus, then don't forget our very own Plus New Writers Award 2009. Besides the fame and glory of appearing in Plus, you could win an iPod and selected books. Closing date 31st of March 2009!

posted by Plus @ 4:14 PM