News from the world of maths: The Nature Autumn '09 Debate

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News from the world of maths: The Nature Autumn '09 Debate

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Nature Autumn '09 Debate — Science and the financial crisis

The 1980s saw the rise of the "rocket scientists" of finance — as engineers, mathematicians and physicists rejected careers in science and technology and instead opted to work for banks. What part did they play in the financial crisis? And what is the future of science in finance? Join leading experts from science and banking as they debate whether the crisis was the result of bankers and regulators failing to grasp complicated, expert knowledge; and whether scientific knowledge — in particular fields such as complex systems, ecological economics and human behaviour — could help to ensure that economies are better understood and better regulated. The panel includes Tim Johnson, an RCUK Academic Fellow in Financial Mathematics, and author of the recent Plus article What is financial mathematics?

The debate will take place on the 21st of September at Kings Place in London, and you can book tickets, at £9.50 a head, on the Kings Place website.

posted by Plus @ 12:56 PM