News from the world of maths: The Plus podcast : The story of the G

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News from the world of maths: The Plus podcast : The story of the G

Thursday, September 03, 2009

A Gömböc is a strange thing. It looks like an egg with sharp edges, and when you put it down it starts wriggling and rolling around as if it were alive. Until quite recently, no-one knew whether Gömböcs even existed. Even now, Gábor Domokos, one of their discoverers, reckons that in some sense they barely exists at all. So what are Gömböcs and what makes them special?


posted by Plus @ 11:04 AM


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Geekiac said...

Itunes reports an error with the podcast url.

"PLUS podcast - maths on the move" does not seem to be a valid Podcast URL.

Please check that you have entered the correct URL and try again.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous The Plus Team said...

Thank you! The problem's been fixed.