
The Plus advent calendar door #15: Mathematical summer fun

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The Plus advent calendar door #15: Mathematical summer fun

Did you do anything fun on your summer holidays this year? Behind today's door we talk to mathematicians who spent some of their summer helping to create the perfect smoothie, getting the most sugar out of sugar cane, and attacking other important real-world problems.

They did all this attending the Graduate Modelling Camp, which is organised every year by the Newton Gateway to Mathematics in Cambridge. The camp gives early career mathematicians a chance to experience life as a mathematical modeller by challenging them to solve problems posed by industry.

We talk to Chris Breward, who has been helping to run the modelling camp for many years, to PhD students Emily Cook, Julian Glover, and Michael Smah, who attended this year's camp, and to Ashleigh Hutchinson who took part as a mentor. They all enjoyed the camp immensely — find out why in this podcast!

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Return to the Plus advent calendar 2023.

This content was produced as part of our collaboration with the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) and the Newton Gateway to Mathematics. The INI is an international research centre in Cambridge which attracts leading mathematicians from all over the world. The Newton Gateway is the impact initiative of the INI, which engages with users of mathematics. You can find all the content from the collaboration here.

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