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Plus Magazine

May 1997

Find out how modern telephone networks use mathematics to make it possible for a person to dial a friend in another country just as easily as if they were in the same street, or to read web pages that are on a computer in another continent.


The mathematics underlying today's complex telephone networks is still based on his work. Erlang was the first person to study the problem of telephone networks.


Here is an experiment that you can easily do yourself to test Bernoulli's equation. There are also 2 questions and answers.


The British General Election (May 1997) is an example of how simple mathematical ideas help in understanding information that involves numbers.


After 5,000 years, the game of Nine Men's Morris has succumbed to the power of modern computing, plus other recent mathematical discoveries in the world of games.


Read about two students at Keele University. Christine Vretta is doing Joint Honours Maths and Physics, and Steve Smith is doing Joint Honours Maths and Computer Science.


We talk to Tim Pilkington, a keen basketball player, who has a joint honours BSc in Maths, Physical Education and Sports Science from Loughborough University. Tim has worked as a mathematics teacher and is now working as an accountant.