If you love physics and making movies then this is for you. The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) is excited to present Show me the physics!, its first-ever video contest. Anyone can submit a video conveying the joys of physics to win a top prize of $10,000, and there are very attractive runner-up prizes too.
Whether you're a physicist or just a physics geek, and whether it's the geometry of space time (see top video on the right) or quantum immortality (see bottom video), all sorts of submissions are welcome. The aim is to enthuse non-physicists and provide a creative and visual space for the discussion and exchange of ideas. Examples of suitable topics are:
- Unsolved physics mysteries
- Physics experiments being carried out
- Tales of physics discoveries
- Accounts of how physics has improved our lives
- Physicists, inventors, teachers, and others talking about their passion for physics
- Fictional stories in which real physics plays a central role.
The closing date is August 8, 2014. See here here for rules and submission guidelines and here to see the current entries.
Good luck!
FQXi are our partners on the Information about information and Science fiction, science fact projects.