What kind of work do up-and-coming maths and computer science researchers do? At this year's Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) we had a chance to find out. In these short videos seven young researchers tell us about their work, which ranges from cyber security to pure maths, how they got into it, and about their favourite research experience. Click on the links to see the videos.
The HLF is an annual networking event at which young researchers get the chance to mingle with some of the best minds in mathematics and computer science.
To read and watch more content produced from the HLF see here.

Adele Jackson — Adele, of the University of Oxford, talks about her work on topology, inspired by spheres, doghnuts, and the power of maths to capture intuition.

Chinedu Izuchukwu — Chinedu, of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, tells us how fixed points can help improve algorithms designed to solve complex real-world problems.

Christian Offen — Christian, of Massey University, New Zealand, tells us how geometry can help improve methods for solving differential equations.

Dragana Radojicic — Dragana, of the Vienna University of Technology, talks about financial maths, the nature of research, and women in maths and computer science.

Harini Hapuarachchi — Harini, of RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, talks about how work investigating the interaction of light and matter on the nanoscale, and some important applications.

Janelle Mason — Janelle, of North Carolina A&T State University, USA, tells us how computer algorithms can help investigate crime scenes.

Sophie Huiberts — Sophie, of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in the Netherlands, tells us how computer algorithms that, in theory, are hopelessly inefficient, perform extraordinary well in practice.