Maths on the move!

Podcast Archive

Find all of our Podcasts from 2007 onwards

The Gauss Prize 2018: The podcastIn this podcast David Donoho talks to us about his work revolutionising MRI scanners.
The Nevanlinna Prize 2018: The podcastIn this video we talk to Nevanlinna Prize winner Constantinos Daskalakis about his work.
The Fields Medals 2018: The podcastIn this podcast we report on the prestigious Fields medals, which were awarded yesterday at the International Congress of Mathematicians, taking place in Rio de Janeiro.
Alessio Figalli: The podcastIn this podcast Fields medallist Figalli tells us about his work and what receiving such a high honour feels like.
Calculating the multiverseIf there's a multiverse, then how many of its component universes are like our own?
Laws versus outcomes: The podcastJohn D. Barrow talks to us about the laws of nature, how the complexity of the world conceals elegant mathematical symmetries, and how chaos can arise from order.
Big data and shorter queuesChris Budd tells us how big data can be used to model riots, analyse photos and shorten airport queues.
What are sigma levels?What do physicists at CERN mean when they talk about "sigma levels"?
What is a black hole – mathematically?Pau Figueras explains how Einstein's theories predicted the existence of black holes, and how to describe them mathematically.
What is a black hole – physically?We asked cosmologist Pau Figueras everything we’ve ever wanted to know about black holes. In this podcast he explains what black holes are, physically, and how we hope to observe them.
Cosmology, philosophy and the multiverseIs cosmology a science or a branch of philosophy? Mathematician and astronomer Bernard Carr gives some answers.
Maths takes flight!We talk to Shajay Bhooshan about his design for the new maths gallery at the Science Museum London.
Why does cosmology need philosophy?In this podcast George Ellis explains why the study of the cosmos poses some deep philosophical questions.
Meet the next generationIf you're going to excel in maths it helps to start early — and that's what Peter Scholze certainly did.
The importance of a mathematical communityIngrid Daubechies, President of the International Mathematical Union, about the importance of community in mathematics.
Maths for the future Martin Grötschel, Secretary of the International Mathematical Union, about maths at school, integrating developing nations, and his dream of putting all maths that's ever been produced online.
The Fields Medals 2014: Interview with Manjul BhargavaManjul Bhargava tells us why playing with maths in important in finding your own way of thinking.
John Milnor: A conversation with a mathematical legendWhy doing maths is like being Lewis Carroll's Red Queen and how to keep going beyond the formidable age of 84.
The Fields Medals 2014: Interview with Artur AvilaArtur Avila tells us about taming chaos.
The Fields Medals 2014: Interview with Martin HairerHow burning paper can win you a prestigious maths prize.
Einstein's evolving UniverseCormac O' Raifeartaigh recently made a surprising discovery – an unpublished paper by Albert Einstein that sheds light on how Einstein's thinking about the Universe changed as he tackled some of the big questions in cosmology at the time.
When worlds collideFields medallist Cédric Villani talks to us about our solar system, chaos, and what it's like being a mathematical superstar.
It's all maths!In this podcast we talk to Max Tegmark about his hypothesis that the Universe we live in is a mathematical structure.
Mathematical theatre with X&YMathematics and theatre are both imagined things that need to be consistent. So what better way to explore mathematical ideas than through theatre? We talk to Marcus du Sautoy, Victoria Gould and Dermot Keany about their new show, X&Y.