One thing that will never change is the fact that the world is constantly changing, and differential equations are the way we mathematically describe the changing world around us.
In this article we explores one of Leonhard Euler's most famous results.
  • Plus 100 —the best maths of the last century
  • More maths grads
The basis of this wonderful book came in a series of questions about modern maths sent to Philip Davis by a friend of his, Christina.
I suspect maths in primary school would be greeted with far more enthusiasm if students had Ian Stewart as a teacher. Any man who can explain electromagnetism, gravity and atomic nuclear forces in terms of a piggy fridge magnet and a smashed kitchen plate is, surely, a communicator to be reckoned with.
Sylvia Nasar told the story of John Nash's troubled life in her book A Beautiful Mind, although probably better known as the film with Russel Crow.
Have a go at this Plus-themed Sudoku variation.
Adrian Bird, a performance engineer at Rolls Royce, tells Plus that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You can follow your dreams to do maths and it can lead you to the skies.