
Masaki Kashiwara wins the Chern medal for his "outstanding and foundational
contributions to algebraic analysis and representation theory sustained over a period of
almost 50 years."

PhD student June Park talks to us about geometry and number theory.

In a previous article we found a Möbius strip in Bach's music. This time it's a doughnut shape.

Discover (and listen to) the Möbius strip that's hidden within one of Bach's famous canons.

This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology. In this final article in a series, we asked Fiona Burnell to explain the maths behind the work, and how it may help lead to quicker and smaller electronics, and even the elusive quantum computer.

This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology. This is the second in a series of articles where we asked Fiona Burnell to explain the maths behind the work, and how it may help lead to quicker and smaller electronics, and even the elusive quantum computer.

This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology.

Find out how some black holes are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside.

How "forced experimentation" can lead to economic benefits.

A Klein bottle can't hold any liquid because it doesn't have an inside. How do you construct this strange thing and why would you want to?

Why doing maths is like being Lewis Carroll's Red Queen and how to keep going beyond the formidable age of 84.