
Einstein's evolving Universe

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Einstein's evolving Universe


Earlier this year we went along to the Cosmology and the constants of nature conference at the University of Cambridge, which brought together cosmologists and philosophers to discuss some of the big questions in cosmology. Physicist Cormac O' Raifeartaigh, from the Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland, told us about his recent and unexpected discovery of an unpublished paper by Albert Einstein. The paper contains a model of the Universe that was dramatically different from any of the others that Einstein was known to have studied. And although it wasn't the model that Einstein, or the rest of the scientific community, eventually settled on, the discovery is important as it sheds light on how Einstein's thinking about the Universe changed, as he was dealing with some of the big questions in cosmology at the time.

You can read more about O' Raifeartaigh's discovery in his blog Antimatter.

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