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I think I first heard the following version more than 60 years ago, but always remembered it as a riddle, not as a paradox:

In a certain village there is a barber who shaves every man in the village who does not shave himself and shaves no man who does shave himself.

Of course, as a riddle, the solution is that the barber is a woman (or a child, an animal, or an AI controlled robot). However, when I asked ChatGPT, it recognized it as Russell's paradox and said it was a paradox. However, it could not understand that it was a riddle even after I explained it. I had deliberately used "every man" rather than "everyone," because that is the way I remembered the riddle. I had been intending to test whether or not ChatGPT had heard of the infamous barber and expected it to get the solution if it had. However, even though ChatGPT had heard of the barber, it did not solve the riddle. It had a canned answer that the statement was a paradox in spite of the fact that I had identified it as a riddle and the wording allowing a reasonable answer.

Here is another version of the ridldle:

A father and son were is a fatal car crash. The father died and the son was rushed to the nearest hospital emergency room. However, the surgeon on duty said "I cannot operate on this patient. The hospital forbids a surgeon from operating on a close relative and this man is my son!"

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