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Clutching at random straws and untangling knotty DNA

Did aliens help prehistoric Britons found the ancient Woolworths civilisation? And what does tying your shoe laces have to do with DNA? Find out with this year's popular lectures organised by the London Mathematical Society. Matt Parker of Queen Mary, University of London, will explore how seemingly incredible results can actually be meaningless random patterns, and Dorothy Buck of Imperial College, London, will look at how mathematical knot theory helps to understand DNA.

When and where: 7pm, 30th of June 2010 in London and 6.30pm, 29th of September 2010 in Birmingham
London venue: Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Birmingham venue: University of Birmingham, University Road West, Birmingham B15 2

Tickets are free but please book a ticket by the 25th of June and 24th of September respectively from Lee-Anne Parker, London Mathematical Society, De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HS (email:

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