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At age 80, I am still consulting in the industry of my choice in 1958, the semiconductor industry.
Since the latest banking-generated depression of 2009 my work has been reduced but thru the use of the internet and Google hangouts as well as Skype calls my old clients are saving travel reimbursements and of course have renegotiated daily fees, but I still do data analysis for the senior management for their newest products. We use JMP software links to their engineering databases, and list of new product contacts for validation of hints found in the tester file data. Many early lots of chips are subjected to DOE's but they keep good experimental design notes due to efforts we made decades ago in setting up the data acquisition systems linked to their MES systems, SPC systems, test system file repositories, and eventually "Yield Management Databases" that attempted to provide "one stop shopping" for the R/D, Development, Test, Product, Process, and Equipment Engineers that support these very large enterprises. I sent your web links with comments to my clients and friends, and plan to add the link to my Linked In discussion groups. Are industry is data-rich which can be information-poor without the use of statistical methods beyond the old p-value hypothesis tests.

Graphical illuminations have been my focus for sharing ideas since the pencil and paper and slide rule era, and during my full time career (1958 to 1998). Since then my consulting years have only proven how important visualizations are in problem solving or investment.
My weakness in early math training without Linear Algebra or Statistical Probability and Risk methods (vs SPC, DOE, and Materials Science) has been helped from time to time by Simulations that were based on Physics hiding the underlying math complexities. Given that background, and being skeptical by nature, I really appreciate the newer web-based simulations like yours and some earlier ones from Rice Univerity and others. I sent your site links to my mailing list for comments and got many favorable replies. We also monitor the "Big Data" sites that use Visualizations to Illuminate otherwise very complex issues.

I think the younger engineers will live in a much more visual world than we did with our K&E graph paper and slide rules and log tables. But they need examples like yours to help them SEE and THINK. Illumination! Dorian Shanin once told us that engineers tend to use statistics like a drunk uses a lamp-post, for support rather than illumination. He was right, for more than just the engineers he was teaching. Visualizations are the most illuminating tools in the statistical toolbox from the Box Plots to your Animations. Thanks.

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