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Find out how maths changed the world at the BA Science Festival

There are lots of chances to get up close and personal with maths at the BA Science Festival in Birmingham on the 14-19 September 2010. You can hunt pi, do magic, uncover the risks of ignorance and discover how maths changed the world and won the war...

Pi Hunting Wednesday 15 September 15:00-17:00
Plus author Robin Wilson and colleagues explore the amazing history of Pi.
Location: MB518 (Aston campus) Cost: £5

75 Years of Radar Friday 17 September 10:00-12:00
Plus contributors Chris Budd, Colin Wright and Cathryn Mitchell reveal maths vital contribution to winning the war and how it still keeps us safe in the air today.
Location: MB155 (Aston campus) Cost: £5

MATHS PRESIDENTIAL LECTURE: How risky is it and how ignorant are we? Friday 17 September 16:00-17:00
Plus columnist David Spiegelhalter explains that either unpredictability or ignorance can lead to uncertainty, but often there's a messy mixture of the two. Find out how uncertainty can be quantified. Followed by a Reception sponsored by the Royal Statistical Society.
Location: MB550 (Aston campus) Cost: £3

Geometry of the Industrial Revolution Friday 17 September 18:30-19:30
Plus author Chris Sangwin argues that mathematics changed the world by making the industrial revolution possible.
Location: Thinktank (sci museum) Cost: £3

The Maths & Computing Magic Show Saturday 18 September 16:00-17:30
Peter McOwan performs amazing magic and gives you a sneak peek behind the scenes to explore the maths and computing powering the tricks.
Location: MB550 Cost: £3

The Serious Side of Scientific Trivia Sunday 19 September 16:00-17:00
Robert Matthews discusses how Curiosity-driven science and mathematics can have a major impact on society. In addition, the results of the Great British Knot Experiment will be revealed.
Location: MB518 (Aston campus) Cost: £3

ALL WEEK: Maths on the Street
Throughout the week of the British Science Festival, teams of Maths Buskers will take to the streets of Birmingham to show the general public just how amazing mathematics can be!
Location: Various Cost: Free

And you can have a go yourself at the FunMaths Roadshow which will be running during the Family Weekend.

These events are part of the British Science Festival in Birmingham from 14-19 September 2010. Details of all events are available online and tickets can be booked online or by calling 020 7019 4947.

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