I cannot agree with you more. Time does not exist! It is a human conception and not a universeal truth. There is no such thing as "time" as we humans know of it or as we precieve it. There only sequences of events in this universe, but time itself is not real. If event A has happened, then it happened. If event A has not happened it hasn't happened. Many people believe that if events A is to happen it must happen at a particular time but I think whether event A happen at 11:00 or at 11:01 pm generally speaking in a cometic level doesn't really matter. Like Energy is a scalar rather than a vector and that it is the start and end states that are the most important, I believe this to be true for all events in the universe. As long as events A, B and C happens in the correct sequence then the actual so called "time" as we knwo it is not important. In fact, as long as this sequence of events A, B and C happens and happens in the correct order than it can even happen as a whole sequence in a completely "time" and it could very well not matter. The time that is precived by humans is exactly that a human concept (based roughly on the earth orbit around the sun) and has no true universal value.
Time then some would say has more to do with the expansion of the universe since the Big Bang. This is equally as valueless as human's preception of time.
Case I: If the Universe is not expanding but rather it is static. If this is true then Time in the sense of the start of the universe to the end of the expansion of the universe would be meaningless as the universe is static and no expansion is ocurring. What difference does it make how long ago the Big Bang was if the universe is static? Hence unless we can clearly prove that the universe is NOT static there is always the chance that Time based on the expansion of the universe is meaningless.
Case II: The universe is expanding. If the universe is indeed expanding then we must further subdivide our concederations into two sub categories. Caterory A: The universe will continue to expand until all entropy has become chaos and nothing is orderly anymore and the universe will then just stop. Thus as mention before this would make Time meaningless and valueless as once entropy is totally lost time itself will have no meaning. Furthermore, if the entropy of the universe is not decreasing at a fixed rate then the concept of Time based on the expansion of the universe is hard to define as Time itself would not be linear and Time in the so called past would be different than the Time in the so called future. Category B: The universe is expanding and at some point will lose all entropy and due to some mechanism begin to collaspe upon itself. In this case, what is the value of this so called concept of time? All that moves "forward" will be undone by the "backwards" movement of the universe and if this expansion and contraction is cyclic than really who knows how many cycles "this universe" have gone through. If for example this is the 1,000,000,000,000th cycle of expansion of this universe then the so called minutes, hours and years that we track of this current's universe expansion is insignificant in the larger scheme of things for the universe. For the universe, time is not important. Time is only important to humans and hence it is only a precieved quantity of our minds.
Case III The universe is not static not is it expanding it is constantly shifting and changing hence giving us the preception that it is expanding as we have not lived long enough or have observed the universe as we know it long enough to tell the difference between a changing universe versus an expanding universe. If the universe is shifting and changing rather than expanding linearly then once again the concept of time is difficult to define as time at one position will be different than time when the universe have shifted to a different position.
With the above arguements than it can further be said that then time travel is also not real. There is no such thing as moving forward in time or moving backwards in time. If the universe is indeed in a cyclic expansion and contraction witht he possiblitiy that "new" universes starting with "new" big bangs" can be spawned at slightly different locations than its previous universe or maybe multiple universes are constantly in f a flux of expansion and contractions than the idea of moving forward and backwards in time would be incorrect but moving "sideways" from universe to universes could preceivably allow an object to reach a similiar but different universe that is at a different expansion point than our own and thus allowing for the so called "forward" and "backward movement in "time". When in fact, it is a sideway movemet to different location points within a sequence of events in those universes. Just as an electron can travel between different quantum states or quantum universes other objects under the right condition can travel sideways to different universes and at some location down the road collaspe back to one quantum universe acting as a node between these universes.
Lastly, to address the idea that time is merely the "space" or "interval" in between events - though this would be something I can agree with in principle, in reality it is not useful. As with my point about energy and energy states, the path of the object is not important and thus the time interval between events are also not important but rather the end states of that object and its event is what matters the most. If we then add the possiblity of different quantum states or universes in there then the so called precieved "interval" between events can much much more complicated than the mere "seconds" that elapsed in between two events. That so called interval could be elapsing through various universes and or quantum states and the "interval" between event A and event B could actaully be very different interval at various occurances of event A and event B depending on the transverses of quantum states and or universes at different incidences of events A and event B. The seemingly simple and straight forward "interval" we observe can in fact has many many different variations. I compare this to when people first start to learn about math. Because all they know about is linear one dimensional things they falsely believe that 1+1 is always equal to 2; howvever, as they expand this knowledge and observations they then realize that if they are adding a 1 unit vector to another 1 unit vector the resultant can be 2 but it doesn't have to be as the resultant depends on the directions of the two vectors. The same then can be said of this concept of "interval". We observe this "interval" in our single universe, but what if in fact it turns out that this "interval: actually transverses multiple and varying quantum state and or universes then the "interval" we "measure or label" could only be ONE of the many other possible "resultant intervals".
Until we as humans can have some sort of definitive understanding of how the universe truly behaves, then the concept of time is nothing more than a concept humans use in our human attempts to calculate the world around us based on static single universe formulas like d = vt. Which brings me to the my ending point that in reality I think scientist are wasting their efforts in their quest to better understand the workings of the universe from a "time dependent" perspective and should instead focus solely on the enegy state and energy signatures of objects and study their energy and not quantities based on or dependent on time. Abandon the concept of time in our quest to understand the comos and we would actually make further advances in our understandings.
I cannot agree with you more. Time does not exist! It is a human conception and not a universeal truth. There is no such thing as "time" as we humans know of it or as we precieve it. There only sequences of events in this universe, but time itself is not real. If event A has happened, then it happened. If event A has not happened it hasn't happened. Many people believe that if events A is to happen it must happen at a particular time but I think whether event A happen at 11:00 or at 11:01 pm generally speaking in a cometic level doesn't really matter. Like Energy is a scalar rather than a vector and that it is the start and end states that are the most important, I believe this to be true for all events in the universe. As long as events A, B and C happens in the correct sequence then the actual so called "time" as we knwo it is not important. In fact, as long as this sequence of events A, B and C happens and happens in the correct order than it can even happen as a whole sequence in a completely "time" and it could very well not matter. The time that is precived by humans is exactly that a human concept (based roughly on the earth orbit around the sun) and has no true universal value.
Time then some would say has more to do with the expansion of the universe since the Big Bang. This is equally as valueless as human's preception of time.
Case I: If the Universe is not expanding but rather it is static. If this is true then Time in the sense of the start of the universe to the end of the expansion of the universe would be meaningless as the universe is static and no expansion is ocurring. What difference does it make how long ago the Big Bang was if the universe is static? Hence unless we can clearly prove that the universe is NOT static there is always the chance that Time based on the expansion of the universe is meaningless.
Case II: The universe is expanding. If the universe is indeed expanding then we must further subdivide our concederations into two sub categories. Caterory A: The universe will continue to expand until all entropy has become chaos and nothing is orderly anymore and the universe will then just stop. Thus as mention before this would make Time meaningless and valueless as once entropy is totally lost time itself will have no meaning. Furthermore, if the entropy of the universe is not decreasing at a fixed rate then the concept of Time based on the expansion of the universe is hard to define as Time itself would not be linear and Time in the so called past would be different than the Time in the so called future. Category B: The universe is expanding and at some point will lose all entropy and due to some mechanism begin to collaspe upon itself. In this case, what is the value of this so called concept of time? All that moves "forward" will be undone by the "backwards" movement of the universe and if this expansion and contraction is cyclic than really who knows how many cycles "this universe" have gone through. If for example this is the 1,000,000,000,000th cycle of expansion of this universe then the so called minutes, hours and years that we track of this current's universe expansion is insignificant in the larger scheme of things for the universe. For the universe, time is not important. Time is only important to humans and hence it is only a precieved quantity of our minds.
Case III The universe is not static not is it expanding it is constantly shifting and changing hence giving us the preception that it is expanding as we have not lived long enough or have observed the universe as we know it long enough to tell the difference between a changing universe versus an expanding universe. If the universe is shifting and changing rather than expanding linearly then once again the concept of time is difficult to define as time at one position will be different than time when the universe have shifted to a different position.
With the above arguements than it can further be said that then time travel is also not real. There is no such thing as moving forward in time or moving backwards in time. If the universe is indeed in a cyclic expansion and contraction witht he possiblitiy that "new" universes starting with "new" big bangs" can be spawned at slightly different locations than its previous universe or maybe multiple universes are constantly in f a flux of expansion and contractions than the idea of moving forward and backwards in time would be incorrect but moving "sideways" from universe to universes could preceivably allow an object to reach a similiar but different universe that is at a different expansion point than our own and thus allowing for the so called "forward" and "backward movement in "time". When in fact, it is a sideway movemet to different location points within a sequence of events in those universes. Just as an electron can travel between different quantum states or quantum universes other objects under the right condition can travel sideways to different universes and at some location down the road collaspe back to one quantum universe acting as a node between these universes.
Lastly, to address the idea that time is merely the "space" or "interval" in between events - though this would be something I can agree with in principle, in reality it is not useful. As with my point about energy and energy states, the path of the object is not important and thus the time interval between events are also not important but rather the end states of that object and its event is what matters the most. If we then add the possiblity of different quantum states or universes in there then the so called precieved "interval" between events can much much more complicated than the mere "seconds" that elapsed in between two events. That so called interval could be elapsing through various universes and or quantum states and the "interval" between event A and event B could actaully be very different interval at various occurances of event A and event B depending on the transverses of quantum states and or universes at different incidences of events A and event B. The seemingly simple and straight forward "interval" we observe can in fact has many many different variations. I compare this to when people first start to learn about math. Because all they know about is linear one dimensional things they falsely believe that 1+1 is always equal to 2; howvever, as they expand this knowledge and observations they then realize that if they are adding a 1 unit vector to another 1 unit vector the resultant can be 2 but it doesn't have to be as the resultant depends on the directions of the two vectors. The same then can be said of this concept of "interval". We observe this "interval" in our single universe, but what if in fact it turns out that this "interval: actually transverses multiple and varying quantum state and or universes then the "interval" we "measure or label" could only be ONE of the many other possible "resultant intervals".
Until we as humans can have some sort of definitive understanding of how the universe truly behaves, then the concept of time is nothing more than a concept humans use in our human attempts to calculate the world around us based on static single universe formulas like d = vt. Which brings me to the my ending point that in reality I think scientist are wasting their efforts in their quest to better understand the workings of the universe from a "time dependent" perspective and should instead focus solely on the enegy state and energy signatures of objects and study their energy and not quantities based on or dependent on time. Abandon the concept of time in our quest to understand the comos and we would actually make further advances in our understandings.
Jimmy Wu