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I may not be as versed in this particular topic as others, but I gather the general theory is equal to saying if at some point (in a unidirectional form of time that is), we had several singularities or regions in space. If at different points, some singularity or something erupted to have all sorts of particles to come about, we have matter, and several "universes" creating more disorder. As a result, we had more entropy as more events came to be.

What if something resembling a multi-verse came into being after the beloved "big bang" theory? Assume if we had some singularity that came into being through something we don't know of, can't perceive or realistically quantify other than in hypothesis or theory. From there, we suddenly have some emission of particles. What if we had something emit from that singularity in a very random or non uniform way?

If that were the case, and how particles attract and repel each other, we would have a lot of entropy increasing. If that was the case, what if these other "universes" simply came from something like that?

If we perceived things like that, pending on ones frame of reference, we know that we would have certain places where there is a stronger force of gravity, and based on Einstein's theories, gravity curves space-time, and space-time can impact gravity. So in that aspect, and pending on your definition as to what a "universe" is, and pending on how you define space time in mathematical terms, there could be some validity to the theory or at least a perspective from certain conditions and a frame of reference where this could hold true. Yes?

Assume we had some singularity called s sub 0. From there, we have others emit from it in some way, and s sub 0 contains other smaller singularities of particles. These things suddenly for whatever reason(s) disperse in some non uniform means. Suddenly we have s sub 1 through n, and n approaches infinity perhaps.

Within the confines of 3 space, each s sub m (m being an element of real non zero integers) lives somewhere in outer space. Each s sub m is a smaller singularity of what once was s sub 0. Maybe from there as these things happen, we have some other particles release, and interact with whatever and are acted upon by some other singularity s sub m. Each s becomes it's own universe. From there, it acts as it's parent did, and whatever particles are out there, and as entropy increases, things evolve.

If each s has it's own gravitational force, it can tell space time how to behave in a given direction pending on how you define space time to be in mathematical terms. Therefore, it could be multi-directional, but time as we perceive it to be on earth is one thing. We would have to describe time behaving differently for each "universe", and time being relative to time in another "universe" to create a multiverse in the context of this theory. Yes?

In short, I suspect that some form of chaos had to have came about from the inception of the universe from however it came to be or something random. If everything was nice and orderly, and things burst from a given singularity, and things evolved in a very nice and predictable manner, we'd have an empty bubble filled with particles. However, if we had a certain distribution of particles as we know them to be in this day and age, or something else more random, that could explain some things. However, if there was a multiverse, how did that come into being?

I think there had to be some disorder from the inception of all that is for things to be as they are. (shrugs)

Joe in Monroe, NC

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