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"The same pattern continues upwards for all earlier generations. Once again, your nth cousins share your (n + 1)-level ancestors, but not your nth-level ancestors. Siblings of your nth-level ancestors are your great-...-great aunts and great-...-great uncles, where “great” is repeated n − 1 times. Furthermore, the nth cousins of your mth-level ancestors, and also the mth-level descendants of your nth cousins, are your nth cousins m times removed." What are the logical limitations of m and n to each other? M and N = zero are self? M =1 is parent or child, thus N cannot be a first cousin, thus N cannot = 1, if M = 1. N >= M-1? That would make you your 0th cousin: Lets say that N >=1, and M>=1, for common use. Now what logical relations can N and M have to each other? Just N>=M-1?

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