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After reading your article I just felt like sharing my view with you... I'm just a first year undergraduate student so my opinion is not backed by any scientific documentation or evidence; only by the knowledge I gained from school education.... But I have always found some analogy of free will with the electromagnetic theory. As we all know when we move a bar magnet into a conducting wire loop, current flows through it. How do we explain this mechanism?
There are two possible explainations:
1. We know that a charge(q) moving in a magnetic field experiences a magnetic force equal to qvb(Lorentz force). So in the above example, let us say we are sitting on the Bar Magnet. From this frame of reference, the magnet is stationay whereas the loop is moving. Thus each charge in the loop is moving toward the magnet; which means each charge experiences a magnetic force=qvb(in a perpendicular direction). This causes the charges to move and thus current flows.
2.But if we are sitting on the loop and the magnet moves toward it(a different frame of reference) then each charge is at rest whereas the magnet is moving. In this case we need a different explanation to support the result. The charges aren't moving so there is no "qvb" acting here. In this case there is only one possible explanation that the moving magnetic field lines create a non-conservative electric field(existing in closed loops) which causes current to flow through the loop.

We all generally tend to see the first frame of reference only, and once the result is explained we don't bother considering the second one. Analogous to this are free-will and detreminism. They are just two different frames of reference (suggesting two different explanations) for the same result of an experiment. When we look at the "present" frame of reference, free-will is the explanation..... But if we sit in the future and look at the past, determinism is the supporting theory.

-By Shukti Ramkiran

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