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"existence is the non-existence of non-existence . You get nowhere with this."

Actually you get everywhere with this (pun intended). But joking aside its factually true. The reason is that we have come to understand that "nothing" does not actually exist. There is always a non-zero state of energy due to quantum effects of sub Planck length quantum phenomena. Therefor we can conclude that existence is indeed the non-existence of non-existence because non-existence does not exists. A perfect vacuum devoid of any and all energy is impossible. Interestingly, in order to describe the phenomena that arises out of this "quantum foam", ie virtual particle pair collisions and interactions, we use Feynman diagrams which take the average of ALL INFINITELY POSSIBLE interactions. Some say this is a trick of mathematical representation that incorrectly approximates real world phenomena, but it has never been disproven that Feynman diagrams do not actually describe the average of the summed total of infinite probabilities.

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