Zeno's paradox says that motion is not possible, hence the paradox. It was solved by using infinite summations, i.e. integrals. However if space is not smooth, which an integral requires, but quantified then it is just an abstract mathematical model to the real problem. The math would then not correspond to reality. Reality would them be more like a video game in where particles vanish in one position and appear in another. The video game description is similar to the condensate describe in quantum field theory in where particles can vanish into the condensate or be extracted from the condensate and give the illusion of a particle moving through space.
Zeno's paradox says that motion is not possible, hence the paradox. It was solved by using infinite summations, i.e. integrals. However if space is not smooth, which an integral requires, but quantified then it is just an abstract mathematical model to the real problem. The math would then not correspond to reality. Reality would them be more like a video game in where particles vanish in one position and appear in another. The video game description is similar to the condensate describe in quantum field theory in where particles can vanish into the condensate or be extracted from the condensate and give the illusion of a particle moving through space.