Perhaps this would be relevant only in smaller scale situations than described above, however is there a way to factor group polarization, the phenomena in which people tend to form a more extreme opinion that previous when interacting with someone of similar opinion, into the model? For example, for interactions between two people of different opinions, v and w, the compromise parameter goes from 0 to 1/2, no compromise to fifty-fifty, and is then multiplied by a function representing importance of compromise, and dependent upon the difference between the two opinions, and the whole value is subtracted from the original value, representing a shift of opinion towards the middle ground. For two people of the same opinion, but of different degrees, v and v', their opinions wouldn't shift to closer together, but rather become a more extreme opinion, so would it make sense then, to have a negative value for the compromise parameter, so the value of opinion would increase when P was subtracted. Or would the function P take care of that already?
Perhaps this would be relevant only in smaller scale situations than described above, however is there a way to factor group polarization, the phenomena in which people tend to form a more extreme opinion that previous when interacting with someone of similar opinion, into the model? For example, for interactions between two people of different opinions, v and w, the compromise parameter goes from 0 to 1/2, no compromise to fifty-fifty, and is then multiplied by a function representing importance of compromise, and dependent upon the difference between the two opinions, and the whole value is subtracted from the original value, representing a shift of opinion towards the middle ground. For two people of the same opinion, but of different degrees, v and v', their opinions wouldn't shift to closer together, but rather become a more extreme opinion, so would it make sense then, to have a negative value for the compromise parameter, so the value of opinion would increase when P was subtracted. Or would the function P take care of that already?