Secrets of 1 division to any prime number Lets see the Secrets of Prime Numbers when I divide 1 to prime numbers I see the same occurence for example 1/13. Our number is 0.076923. 76923 x 1 = 076 923 76923 x 2 = 153 846 76923 x 3 = 230 769 76923 x 4 = 307 692 76923 x 5 = 384 615 76923 x 6 = 461 538 76923 x 7 = 538 461 76923 x 8 = 615384 76923 x 9 = 692307 76923 x 10 = 769230 76923 x 11 = 846153 76923 x 12 = 923076 76923 x 13 = 999999 can you see the iteration of same numbers 076923 and did you notice the 076+923=999 ***So why this iterates ???*** Besides, I did it for other small or very large prime numbers and come across more strange results :) Lets look.. Reply
Lets see the Secrets of Prime Numbers when I divide 1 to prime numbers I see the same occurence for example 1/13. Our number is 0.076923.
76923 x 1 = 076 923
76923 x 2 = 153 846
76923 x 3 = 230 769
76923 x 4 = 307 692
76923 x 5 = 384 615
76923 x 6 = 461 538
76923 x 7 = 538 461
76923 x 8 = 615384
76923 x 9 = 692307
76923 x 10 = 769230
76923 x 11 = 846153
76923 x 12 = 923076
76923 x 13 = 999999
can you see the iteration of same numbers 076923 and did you notice the 076+923=999
***So why this iterates ???***
Besides, I did it for other small or very large prime numbers and come across more strange results :) Lets look..