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A monomial is one term with a single value -- the PRODUCT of the coefficient multiplies by the variable (factor). An example of a monomial is "2x," which means "x" taken two times -- in other words...

2x = [ x + x }

Notice that the coefficient of 2 "disappears" when you write out the indicated additions of the monomial.

Every Basic Algebra textbook & online math tutoring website shows examples of monomials without each monomial being encased in a set of parentheses, even though the monomial is part of a larger statement. For example...

from Algebra Practice Problems. com:

"How to divide a monomial by a monomial"

"Any division of monomials can also be expressed as a fraction:

8x^3 y^2 z ÷ 2x^2y

[shown on the site as equal to a top-and-bottom fraction, with "8x^3 y^2 z" as the numerator & "2x^2y" as the denominator, but this comment box won't let me show it that way]

Note that an obelus was used as the original division symbol & that there were no parentheses in any part of the horizontally written monomial division statement.

In the monomial division "2x ÷ 2x ," the monomial division is actually...

[ x + x ] ÷ [ x + x ]

In the monomial division statement "2x ÷ 2x ," x = (1+2)

To solve, all you're going to do is plug in the value of "x," so the math doesn't change -- remember that multiplication by juxtaposition identifies a monomial which holds a single value, which is the PRODUCT the coefficient multiplied by the variable (factor). Please show your steps in solving the monomial division "2x ÷ 2x ," when x= (1+2).

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