The effect of recent criminal activity

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The effect of recent criminal activity

We want to model the effect BH(t) of recent criminal activity on house H. First of all, let's assume that every time a house H is burgled, BH(t) increases by an amount θ. This increase isn't going to last forever though: it's going to diminish over time. Write ω for the time scale over which repeat burglaries are likely to occur in a neighbourhood. Now write δt for the length of a time step. So what we're after is a formula for BH(t+δt) in terms of BH(t). The formula used by Bertozzi and her colleagues is BH(t+δt)=BH(t)(1ωδt)+θEH(t), where EH(t) is the number of burglaries that happened at house H at the time t. You can see that each of these burglaries contributes an amount of θ. Burglaries that happened before that time are accounted for by BH(t), but the amount by which they contribute is determined by the relationship of ω and the length of the time step. The larger ωδt, the smaller the contribution of BH(t) (we assume that ωδt is less than 1). This formula only reflects how recent burglaries at house H affect BH(t). But we also need to take account of the effect of recent burglaries at neighbouring houses. To do this, replace BH(t) in the equation above by (1η)BH(t)+ηzSB(t), where η is a number between 0 and 1 that measures how significant the effect of crimes in adjacent houses is. The parameter z is the number of houses that directly neighbour H (so in a square lattice that number is four). SB(t) is the sum of the BJ(t) for all the houses J adjacent to H. The formula now becomes BH(t+δt)=((1η)BH(t)+ηzSB(t))(1ωδt)+θEH(t).

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