
Plus Advent Calendar Door #16: Let's play a game...

Stave off the holiday boredom with a game or two behind door #16...

Plus Advent Calendar Door #14: Some favourite books

Need help with your Christmas shopping? Look behind door number 14...

Plus Advent Calendar Door #12: Maths on the big screen

Got your popcorn? Picked a good seat? Are you sitting comfortably? Then let the credits roll... Mathematics of the big screen is behind door #12...

Plus Advent Calendar Door #11: Ding-dong

Bells can do a lot more than just jingle! In fact, being a decent bell ringer requires razor-sharp mathematical precision and a vast memory. And just 16 bells are enough to provide your neighbours with over a million years of non-repeating bellish amusement.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #9: Is there anybody out there?

Is there anybody out there? Find out behind door #9...

Plus Advent Calendar Door #8: Mathematical mysteries

How does Santa manage to squeeze through chimneys? How do reindeers manage to fly? When will I get the Christmas shopping done? These things are mysteries, so in keeping with the mood, Door 8 opens on some of our favourite mysteries from the world of maths.