
News from the world of maths: Do you know what's good for you - what's the best medicine?

How do you judge the risks and benefits of new medical treatments, or of lifestyle choices? With a finite health care budget, how do you decide which treatments should be made freely available on the NHS? Historically, decisions like these have been made on the basis of doctors' individual experiences with how these treatments perform, but over recent decades the approach to answering these
questions has become increasingly rational. Statistics and maths are used not just to test new treatments, but also to measure such fuzzy terms as quality of life, and to figure out which treatments provide most "health for money".

Classroom activity: What's the best medicine?Which drug should you choose if your budget is finite?
The economics of healthWhen is a medical treatment worth its cost?
News from the world of maths: Calling all algebraic artists!
Everyone has the chance to create mathematical beauty as part of a competition during the Cambridge Science Festival. As part of the Imaginary exhibition of beautiful mathematical images and artwork taken from algebraic geometry and differential geometry, visitors (both real and virtual) can create their own mathematical art.
Einstein right on timeMost precise experiment to date confirms one of Einstein's predictions