
Plus Advent Calendar Door #16: Let's play a game...
Stave off the holiday boredom with a game or two behind door #16...
Plus Advent Calendar Door #15: Take a risk todayWhat does Santa have in store for you? Will there be a white Christmas? And will it affect your holiday flight? Life is full of uncertainties, so behind door #15 we've hidden our favourite expert on risk.
Plus Advent Calendar Door #14: Some favourite books
Need help with your Christmas shopping? Look behind door number 14...
MathsJam in Nottingham
MathsJam is a monthly opportunity for like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts to get together in a pub and share stuff they like. Puzzles, games, problems, or just anything they think is cool or interesting. Regular events take place in London and Manchester and now also in Nottingham. Events provisionally take place on the second to last Tuesday of every month.
Plus Advent Calendar Door #13: Pure pleasure

Monday mornings can be messy and horrible, so to purify your mind we give you some pure mathematical favourites.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #12: Maths on the big screenGot your popcorn? Picked a good seat? Are you sitting comfortably? Then let the credits roll... Mathematics of the big screen is behind door #12...
Plus Advent Calendar Door #11: Ding-dong

Bells can do a lot more than just jingle! In fact, being a decent bell ringer requires razor-sharp mathematical precision and a vast memory. And just 16 bells are enough to provide your neighbours with over a million years of non-repeating bellish amusement.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #10: And the winner is...

Today the Nobel Prize award ceremonies will be held in Sweden! And while there may not be a Nobel Prize for maths, most of the science laureates' achievements would be impossible without it. Find out why with our stories on some of this and past years' Nobel Prizes.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #9: Is there anybody out there?Is there anybody out there? Find out behind door #9...
Plus Advent Calendar Door #8: Mathematical mysteries

How does Santa manage to squeeze through chimneys? How do reindeers manage to fly? When will I get the Christmas shopping done? These things are mysteries, so in keeping with the mood, Door 8 opens on some of our favourite mysteries from the world of maths.