advent calendar 2018

At Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday symposium we talked to Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, some of Hawking's former students, and his graduate assistant.
What's a multiverse? What's the future for intelligent life? And what happened 380,000 after the Big Bang. At Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday conference we talked to physicists David Spergel and Raphael Bousso to find out more.
On the 100th anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan being elected fellow of the Royal Society Ken Ono tells us about his work.
Are the unchanging numbers that define our universe really unchanging?
Could it be that the Universe is a mathematical structure? Find out more with Max Tegmark.
Find out why scientists trying to build quantum computers might do worse than talk to birds.
If you have ever been in an MRI scanner you'll appreciate David Donoho's work, which has revolutionised this imaging technique.
The furore around the MMR vaccine and autism has shown that vaccination can be an emotive issue. We talk to an expert about the math used to make sure it's safe.
We revisit this year's Fields medals, which were awarded in Rio de Janeiro in August.
Time is a problem, not just for you and me, but also for philosophers. What exactly is time? Why does it have a direction? And was there a beginning of time? Find out more in this podcast.
How many times do we think of it a day? How many times we do it? And with how many people? Find out about the stats of sex with David Spiegelhalter.
Find out how maths gave the Olympic cycling venue in London its elegant form.