Fields Medal 2018

We catch up with four giants of maths to see where their mathematical journey has taken them since winning prestigious prizes.
Fields medallist Caucher Birkar tells us about his work and his unusual mathematical journey.
The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) took place in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of August. Here is all our coverage at a glance.
In this podcast we try to capture a flavour of Fields medallist Akshay Venkatesh's work.
In this podcast we ask Akshay Venkatesh what it feels like to win a Fields medal.
In these two videos Akshay Venkatesh tells us about winning the Fields Medal, what he enjoys about maths, and introduces us to the ideas in his work.
Good news from the International Congress of Mathematicians!
In this podcast we report on the prestigious Fields medals, which were awarded yesterday at the International Congress of Mathematicians, taking place in Rio de Janeiro.
In this podcast Fields medallist Figalli tells us about his work and what receiving such a high honour feels like.
Akshay Venkatesh has been awarded the Fields medal 2018 for his work exploring the boundaries of number theory.
Alessio Figalli has been awarded the Fields medal for his contributions, among other things, to optimal transport theory.
The International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 has got off to a joyous start with the announcement of some of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics.