medicine and health

Take part in an exciting new project and help fight future pandemics!

PhD student Thomas Vogt tells us about his work in brain imaging.

Why a positive test result doesn't necessarily mean you have the disease.

Sara Zahedi has won a prestigious prize at the European Congress of Maths. Your future medical diagnoses, and even the welfare of sea life, may depend on her work.

In 2012 the UK government launched a list of the Eight Great technologies of the future. Here's what they are and what role maths has to play in them.

A project involving secondary school students has delivered valuable data for epidemiologists.

The company 23andMe made headlines by launching its DNA testing service in the UK. But how are the risks of developing a disease calculated?

Why maths is an important tool in the fight against Ebola.

How maths helps us understand and fight infectious diseases.

How are researchers in disease dynamics using mathematics to understand how the influenza virus replicates? This short, accessible article investigates.

Geometric hallucinations are very common: people get them after taking drugs, following sensory deprivation, or even after rubbing their eyes. What can they tell us about how our brain works?

Modelling the spread of disease is a difficult business. Epidemiologists use incredibly complex models involving huge amounts of transport, social contact and disease data to predict the spread of diseases. But is there a way to hide all this complexity and draw a simpler picture of how diseases spread, even in today's complex world?