quantum mechanics

Pilot wave theory is an extension of quantum mechanics that doesn't exhibit any of that weird randomness or fuzziness. But that doesn't mean it's totally sane. Here is a quick introduction.
The Kochen-Specker theorem shows that quantum mechanics is always going to be strange. Its proof is surprisingly simple!
One way of making quantum mechanics independent of observers is to accept that we live in many parallel worlds.
Since quantum mechanics predicts such strange things about the world, should we replace it by a better theory, or perhaps extend it?
If observers can influence the outcomes of measurements, then do these observes need to be conscious? Does consciousness play a special role in physics at all?
A brief introduction to the strange theory of quantum mechanics and how it appears to afford a special role to observers.
Traditionally, observers play no special role in physics. Like bird watchers in a perfect hide, we observe the outcome of experiments, or gaze at the stars through our telescopes, taking no part in the action. Modern physics, however, tells a different story ... find out more with these articles and videos.
Can the very act of observing something change what's being observed? This series of articles and videos explores some basic questions about the role of the observers in physics.
The strange theory of quantum mechanics has turned our conception of reality on its head. This article explores how things become fuzzy in the microscopic world and what this means for our understanding of events.
The possibility that there might be many parallel worlds has just become a little more likely.
Why are physicists unsure about what it means to say that something has happened? Anthony Aguirre and Sean Carroll explain.
Some general ideas in very few words and without equations.