Maths on the move!

Podcast Archive

Find all of our Podcasts from 2007 onwards

Victoria Gould: Combining mathematics and actingTorn between mathematics and the arts? Then find out about having a career in both from actor and mathematician Victoria Gould.
Have physicists discovered a fifth force of nature?News stories have claimed they may have — but is this true?
How many dimensions are there?More than you think! In this episode of our podcast we talk to theoretical physicist David Berman to find out more...
Telescope topology — the podcastWe look at an important recent result exploring higher-dimensional holes in higher-dimensional spheres.
How does human noise impact whales?We talk to Stuart Johnston who uses mathematics to find out how noise pollution in the oceans impacts whales.
Living Proof: The irrational diary of Clara ValentineIn this podcast author Coralie Colmez shares insights into her novel The irrational diary of Clara Valentine.
Mathematical summer funWe talk to early career mathematicians who spent some of their summer holiday solving problems posed by industry — such as how to blend a perfect smoothie!
Gravitational waves reveal cosmic humWe discuss new and fascinating observations of gravitational waves with three of our favourite cosmologists.
Sarah Hart: Once upon a primeMaths and literature: there are more connections than you think and they'll enhance your pleasure of both. Find out more with the fabulous Sarah Hart in our latest podcast!
Fermat's Last Theorem – 30 years onIn this special podcast we look back on this remarkable mathematical moment with Andrew Wiles, Jack Thorne and Tom Körner, and how it opened new doors onto the future of mathematics.
Chocolate and mayonnaiseWhat do chocolate and mayonnaise have in common? It's maths! Find out how in this podcast featuring engineer Valerie Pinfield.
From clicks to chordsIs it possible to write unique music with the limited quantity of notes and chords available? We ask musician Oli Freke!
A new map of dark matterIn this podcast we talk to Blake Sherwin about a new map of dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up 85% of the stuff in the Universe.
SBIDER Presents: Shining a light on COVID modellingWas the mathematical modelling projecting the course of the pandemic too pessimistic, or were the projections justified? Matt Keeling tells our colleagues from SBIDER about the COVID models that fed into public policy.
Synchronised swimming: the podcastHow do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? Enter the maths of synchronisation.
Does infinity exist?Find out how infinity can corrupt the youth, why subtracting infinities can give you the right answer, and the weirdness that might be lurking out there in the cosmos...
Climate change and ready meals: Challenges for epidemiologistsInvading mosquitoes and food poisoning in the production chain — there are a lot of questions epidemiologists address in their research.
Living Proof: Timandra Harkness – How to make maths funny"What's a statistician's favourite sandwich filling?" Presenter, writer and comendian Timandra Harkness tells us how to make maths funny.
Living Proof: Hannah Thomas – Making data accessibleHaving empathy with your audience – with all your audiences – is the first step for making your content accessible. Hannah Thomas from the Government Analysis Function explains how you can help.
Living Proof: Communicating from the frontiers of mathematics What are the challenges of communicating from the frontiers of mathematical research, and why should we be doing it?
On the mathematical frontline: Tom IrvingTom Irving tells us about providing a bridge between policy and mathematics during the pandemic, the importance of transparency, and discussing the R number at the hair dressers.
Sexual statisticsDavid Spiegelhalter's book Sex by numbers takes a statistical peak into the nation's bedrooms. In this interview from 2015 he tells us some of his favourite stories from the book.
What are liquid metal batteries?Find out why liquid metal batteries hold much hope in our move to renewables.
A 60% chance of rain: Weather, climate, and how to deal with uncertaintyWe talk to world-leading climate scientists Tim Palmer about climate and weather, the science of uncertainty, and why there needs to be a CERN for climate change.