What are transcendental numbers?
Transcendental numbers are defined in contrast to algebraic numbers: we say that a number is algebraic if it is the solution of a polynomial equation all whose coefficients are integers, that is to say, an equation consisting of a sum of powers of the unknown

Ferdinand von Lindemann.
Any number that is not algebraic is called transcendental. Since every rational number is algebraic, it follows that every transcendental number is necessarily irrational (that is, not rational). But not every irrational number is transcendental: take
Probably the most famous transcendental number is
Despite the fact that the notions of algebraic and transcendental numbers had first been defined by Leonhard Euler in the 18th century, it was not until 1882 that the German mathematician Ferdinand von Lindemann demonstrated that
Hilbert's seventh problem
At the end of the nineteenth century,
Hilbert had a conjecture for how this seventh problem might be solved.
Suppose that
The person to finally provide a rigorous proof of the seventh problem was the Russian mathematician A. O. Gel'fond. Spurred on by the proof in 1930 by his fellow Russian Rodion Kuzmin that

Aleksandr Gel'fond.
Why politics?
A proof of such an important conjecture would normally afford its author centre stage in international mathematics, but Gel'fond became a victim of political tensions. He had been invited to present his proof at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Oslo in 1936. That particular congress, however, proved a melting pot of different agendas. While mathematicians from Nazi-led Germany turned out in force to showcase the best of "Aryan mathematics", the Soviet delegation was conspicuous by its absence. In an atmosphere in which scientists' foreign connections were increasingly regarded with suspicion by the Soviet authorities, each of the delegates expected from the USSR, including Gel'fond, had been denied permission to travel. The world's mathematicians had to be content merely to read Gel'fond's solution of Hilbert's problem (it had been published in French), rather than see it presented at a blackboard by the author. (You can find out more about international maths and politics in this article.)
Gel'fond was finally able to attend an ICM in 1966, when it was held in his home town of Moscow, although he does not appear to have delivered a lecture. As far as we know, this is the only ICM that he ever attended. The congress was certainly attended by a small number of mathematicians who had been in Oslo thirty years earlier, but we can only speculate about the interactions that resulted when they were finally able to meet Gel'fond in Moscow. It is interesting to note that the solution of a generalisation of Hilbert's seventh problem, sometimes termed the Gel'fond conjecture, earned a Fields Medal, one of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics, for the English mathematician Alan Baker at the 1970 ICM in Nice.
About the author

Christopher Hollings is a departmental lecturer in the Oxford Mathematical Institute, where he teaches the history of mathematics, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Queen's College, Oxford. He researches various topics from the history of nineteenth and twentieth century mathematics, including the impact of politics on mathematics, and the development of abstract algebra.
Maths in a Minute: Transcendentals
Thank you, Christopher, for a well-written, accessible introduction to a fascinating topic. I trust this posting will receive many more visits!
Is there any proof on whether
Is there any proof on whether pi or e can be written down as in Hilbert's conjecture, i.e., a^b, with a rational and b irrational?
pi = 2^b, b irrational
Let a = 2 and b = log_2(pi), so that pi=2^b. If b were rational, then pi would be algebraic. Thus, b is irrational.