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News from the world of maths: Culture clash: The 'two cultures' 50 years on

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fifty years ago, C.P. Snow claimed there were 'two cultures', sciences and the humanities, with an unbridgeable gulf between them.The idea sparked widespread controversy, which has continued ever since.

This debate will be revisited in the event Culture clash: The 'two cultures' 50 years on, part of the British Science Festival at the University of Surrey (Guildford). The speakers, Prof Robert Bud from the Science Museum, Dr Red Nield, editor of Geoscientist magazine, and Prof Raymond Tallis from the University of Manchester, will take a critical look at Snow's notorious idea and its enduring appeal. Have the two cultures moved any closer? And what do they imply for the larger questions he raised about education, economic development, and global inequality?

Where: University of Surrey
When: 4 pm Tuesday 8 September 2009
For more information and booking visite the British Science Festival website

And you can read more about C.P. Snow and mathematics and art on Plus.

posted by Plus @ 2:11 PM


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