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Plus Advent Calendar Door #1: The only way is up!

What do Caribbean steel drums, the London 2012 Velodrome and the quest for sustainable energy have in common? They all involve the work of engineers. Engineering provides some of the most exciting applications of maths, which impact on all our lives every day.

You can read all about the importance and excitement of engineering in our package Constructing our lives: the mathematics of engineering. Here are just a few of our favourites:

What makes an object into a musical instrument?

Many things make a noise when you hit them, but not many are commonly used to play music — why is that? Jim Woodhouse, Professor of Structural Dynamics, looks at harmonic and not so harmonic frequencies, and at how percussion instruments are tuned. Read more...

How the velodrome found its form

The Velodrome, with its striking curved shape, was the first venue to be completed in the London Olympic Park. Plus talked to structural engineers Andrew Weir and Pete Winslow from Expedition Engineering, who were part of the design team for the Velodrome, about how mathematics helped create its iconic shape. Read more...

Facing the climate challenge: The podcast

Some have suggested that the changes that are needed to meet the climate challenge are similar in scale to the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. For this podcast we talked to engineer Alison Cooke, who manages a project called Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment, and two PhD students at the Centre for sustainable Development in Cambridge, and find out how engineers work with Government, business and other groups to help ensure a sustainable future. Hear more...

The only way is up: Constructing the Heron tower

Looking out to Canary Wharf, to the arch at Wembley Stadium, and down onto the Gherkin, the 700 people working on the construction site of the Heron Tower in London had one of the best views in London. Plus was lucky enough to speak to two engineers involved in building the tower and asked how maths was involved in the construction of such an impressive addition to the London skyline. Read more...

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