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Creating a low carbon energy network

The UK is aiming for a decarbonised electricity supply by 2035. Generating electricity without the use of fossil fuels is not just an engineering and industrial challenge, it is also a huge mathematical challenge. This was the focus of an intensive two week "deep dive" workshop on the Mathematics and statistics for low carbon energy systems earlier this year as part of a longer research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) in Cambridge. In this package of articles we look at some of the mathematical, technical, and intellectual questions involved.

Balancing the equations of a low carbon energy network – In this article Chris Dent, one of the organisers of the workshop, explains some of the challenges we need to overcome.

Can we build a low carbon energy network? – In this episode of our Maths on the move podcast we hear from Chris Dent and Lars Schewe, co-organisers of the workshop, about the mathematics involved in decarbonising the energy system and why the challenge isn't unlike the Apollo mission that got people to the Moon.

Renewable energy and telecommunications — This year's workshop continued a series of events, many organised by the INI, that have allowed researchers to develop this important area. This article reports on the event in 2010 that started it all.

Background briefing

Maths in a minute: Optimisation — A short, accessible introduction to optimisation – a key idea in managing power networks.

Energetic maths — A series of three articles outlining some of the mathematics required to produce electricity securely, safely and reliably.

This content was produced as part of our collaboration with the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) – you can find all the content from the collaboration here.

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