We are very pleased to be launching this network for those working in, and with a stake in, communicating complex mathematics and data science to a variety of non-expert audiences.
Some practical tips to help you when you need it most – when you are sitting at the keyboard, ready (or perhaps not so ready) to put your ideas on the page!
When it comes to communicating maths or science that some people find hard to accept, you cannot take your audience's trust for granted. Instead you have to be trustworthy.
Whether you're still getting your ideas together, writing your first draft, or revising and editing, here are some tips to keep in mind to help make your piece work for any audience.
Having empathy with your audience – with all your audiences – is the first step for making your content accessible. Hannah Thomas from the Government Analysis Function explains how you can help.
Tom Irving tells us about providing a bridge between policy and mathematics during the pandemic, the importance of transparency, and discussing the R number at the hair dressers.