
Maths in a minute: Artificial neuronsWhen trying to build an artificial intelligence, it makes sense to mimic the human brain. Artificial neurons do just that.
Complex square rootsHow to take the square root of a complex number — and discover a beautiful new surface in the process.
Euler's formulaThere are a million things in maths named after Leonard Euler. Here's a beautiful formula involving complex numbers.
Going with the flow: are lateral flow tests useful?Lateral flow tests have become a common feature in our lives. What impact can they have on managing COVID-19?
Where are England footballers born?Which region of England produces the most England players?
Maths in a minute: The Wells-Riley modelHow do you calculate your risk of catching an airborne disease?
Maths in a Minute: Computational fluid dynamicsThe mathematical equations governing fluid flow may have no known solutions, but maths still has the answers!
The Delta variant: What do we know?As the Delta variant is worrying the UK, researchers from the JUNIPER consortium have published all they know about it.
A breath of fresh airCould COVID-19 change our expectations for clear air indoors?
Maths in a minute: The positive predictive valueWhen you receive a positive test result for a disease, the chance you actually have it depends on how common the disease is.
Tony Hoare: Beyond QuicksortImagine a world without computer errors. Tony Hoare, inventor of the famous Quicksort algorithm, is working on making it possible.
Happy birthday Quicksort!Quicksort is a famous algorithm which celebrates its 60th birthday this year. We explore its clever workings.