Maths on the move!

Podcast Archive

Find all of our Podcasts from 2007 onwards

Plus Advent Calendar Door #7: Was maths to blame for the financial crisis?Can we blame maths for our money troubles? Find out behind door number 7!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #6: Maths takes flight

Open door number 6 and step inside a mathematical space!

Plus Advent Calendar Door #5: Catching waves

The Fourier transform is a piece of maths that is, almost single-handedly, responsible for the digital revolution. We asked Chris Budd what the Fourier
transform does, and how it does it. This podcast accompanies the Plus
article Saving lives: The mathematics of tomography.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #4: What is a black hole - physically?

We asked cosmologist Pau Figueras everything we’ve ever wanted to know about black holes. In this podcast he explains what black holes are, physically, and how we hope to observe them.

Plus advent calendar door #3: How to evaluate a medical treatment

It's the time of the year for cough sweets, flu medication and paracetamol. But how do we know these and other medicines really work?

Plus Advent Calendar Door #1: Stadium maths

Find out about what's involved in building a football stadium and why it requires listening to Belgian techno.

Packing spheres

We talk to Maryna Viazovska, who in 2016 made a breakthrough in the theory of sphere packings.

Ivan Smith: The podcast

In this podcast we talk to Ivan Smith, invited lecturer at the ICM, about his work and what he likes about the ICM.

The ICM 2022: The podcast

We talk to two of the organisers of the ICM 2022, which will take place in St Petersburg.

Nalini Joshi: The podcast

In this podcast we talk to Nalini Joshi, incoming President of the International Mathematical Union, about the IMU and her work.

Clément Mouhout: the podcast

Clément Mouhot tells us about his work trying to understand some of the most beautiful structures in mathematics and physics.

Cheryl Praeger: The podcast

We speak to Cheryl Praeger about her mathematics and encouraging the next generation of mathematicians.

Jack Thorne: The podcast

In this podcast Jack Thorne tells us how his work is a little like "faceting a gemstone."

Akshay Venkatesh: The podcast, part II

In this podcast we try to capture a flavour of Fields medallist Akshay Venkatesh's work.

Akshay Venkatesh: The podcast, part I

In this podcast we ask Akshay Venkatesh what it feels like to win a Fields medal.

June Barrow-Green: The podcastIn this podcast we talk to June Barrow Green about the history of women in mathematics.
Maria Esteban: The podcast

In this podcast we talk to Maria Esteban, mathematician and President of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

The Gauss Prize 2018: The podcast

In this podcast David Donoho talks to us about his work revolutionising MRI scanners.

The Nevanlinna Prize 2018: The podcast

In this video we talk to Nevanlinna Prize winner Constantinos Daskalakis about his work.

The Fields Medals 2018: The podcast

In this podcast we report on the prestigious Fields medals, which were awarded yesterday at the International Congress of Mathematicians, taking place in Rio de Janeiro.

Alessio Figalli: The podcast

In this podcast Fields medallist Figalli tells us about his work and what receiving such a high honour feels like.

Calculating the multiverse

If there's a multiverse, then how many of its component universes are like our own?

Laws versus outcomes: The podcast

John D. Barrow talks to us about the laws of nature, how the complexity of the world conceals elegant mathematical symmetries, and how chaos can arise from order.

Big data and shorter queues

Chris Budd tells us how big data can be used to model riots, analyse photos and shorten airport queues.