Maths in a minute

Want facts and want them fast? Our Maths in a minute series explores key mathematical concepts in just a few words. From symmetry to Euclid's axioms, and from binary numbers to the prosecutor's fallacy, learn some maths without too much effort.

Maths in a minute: Partition functions

How many ways can you write a number as the sum of smaller numbers?  

Maths in a minute: Stochastic gradient descent

How does artificial intelligence manage to produce reliable outputs? Stochastic gradient descent has the answer!

Maths in a minute: PolynomialsCreep up on polynomials with this quick introduction.
Maths in a minute: Algebraic varietiesExplore the wonderful world where geometry meets algebra.
Maths in a minute: The SIR modelFind out the basics of the SIR model, the basis most disease modellers use to understand the spread of a disease through a population.
Maths in half a minute: Exponential growthWhat do we mean when we say that something grows exponentially? Find out in this very easy introduction, suitable for anyone curious to know more!
Maths in a minute: Odds ratiosIs your new face cream associated to getting spots? The odds ratio can help figure it out.
Maths in a minute: Mathematical modelsA basic introduction to the most powerful tools in science and engineering.
Maths in a minute: AlgorithmsThe word "algorithm" has probably got more usage over the last few years than it has in its entire history. But what exactly is an algorithm?
Maths in a minute: Exponential growthWhat do we mean when we say that something grows exponentially?
Maths in a minute: Conditional probabilityFind out why the formula we use to work out conditional probabilities is true!
Maths in a minute: Non-linearityNon-linear relationships are tricky relationships. Find out why here.