The Newton Gateway to Mathematics: Spreading mathematical knowledge

The Newton Gateway to Mathematics is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year!
Based in Cambridge, the Newton Gateway provides bridges between mathematicians working on the frontiers of their field and people who use mathematics – in industry, business, the public sector and other scientific disciplines. The Newton Gateway develops and runs activities such as workshops and meetings, bringing people and organisations together in order to share knowledge and stimulate further research and collaboration. It is the impact initiative of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

We are proud to be collaborating with the Newton Gateway to report on its fascinating activities for wider audiences. Below are all the articles and podcasts we have published as part of this collaboration so far.

Happy birthday, Newton Gateway!

Differential privacy: Keeping your data safe

The age of Big Data poses a risk to our privacy as even anonymised data can sometimes be linked to individuals. Differential privacy provides a way of protecting sensitive information even when some of it is made public.

Protecting your data in the face of AI

Artificial intelligence algorithms are often trained on people's personal data. How can we make sure that this data remains private? 

Keeping your data safe in the face of AI

The advent of artificial intelligence poses new threats to the privacy of our personal data.  We explore the challenges and a way to address them.

Introducing the mathsci-comm network

We are very pleased to be launching this network for those working in, and with a stake in, communicating complex mathematics and data science to a variety of non-expert audiences.

AI be the judge: The use of algorithms in the criminal justice system

Could AI help judges deliver fair and transparent sentences? A recent study group involving law experts and mathematicians explored the challenges involved.

AI be the judge: Part II

We continue our exploration of the potential use of AI in sentencing.

Can data science help rebuild our trauma networks?

Can mathematics help reshape our hospital networks?

Mathematical summer fun

We talk to early career mathematicians who spent some of their summer holiday solving problems posed by industry — such as how to blend a perfect smoothie!

A practical guide to writing about anything for anyone!

Some practical tips to help you when you need it most – when you are sitting at the keyboard, ready (or perhaps not so ready) to put your ideas on the page!

Be clear, be trustworthyWhen it comes to communicating maths or science that some people find hard to accept, you cannot take your audience's trust for granted. Instead you have to be trustworthy.