
Who will top the Rio medal table?

Mathematical model predicts Olympic success.

Climbing the Twitter ladder

How popular and successful are you? Not as much as your friends is the sad answer, at least as far as Twitter is concerned.

Mathematical moments: Nira Chamberlain

Nira Chamberlain tells us how solving difficult maths problems can be like fighting an invisible boxer.

No need for words

Where does our ability to do abstract maths come from? A new study sheds some fascinating light on the question.

Mathematical moments: Vicky Neale

Vicky explains how maths is an adventure that's really worth having.

Explaining weirdness with weirdness

A very strange way of explaining away the strangeness of quantum mechanics.

Mathematical moments: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

Carola tells us about her work in the field of image analysis, her favourite mathematical moments, and why creativity is so important in maths.

Stop taking the p

Why a time-honoured statistical tool is becoming problematic.

How a game of billiards solved a queueing problem

Using the trajectory of a billiard ball to assign customers to queues.

Mathematical moments: Katie Steckles

Mathematician Katie Steckles tells us about her favourite mathematical moments and why being creative is essential in maths.

Packing balls in higher dimensions

How to optimally fill a box with eight-dimensional oranges.