
Women of Mathematics: Anne-Christine Davis

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Women of Mathematics: Anne-Christine Davis

In this podcast we revisit our 2017 interview with Anne-Christine Davis, Professor of Theoretical Physics. Anne was the first female professor in the Maths faculty at the University of Cambridge. In this interview, first recorded to celebrate the addition of six portraits of Cambridge mathematicians to the Women of Mathematics photo exhibition, Davis told us that over her long career she had seen attitudes towards women change for the better. But as you'll hear she had to put up with quite a lot at the start!

Anne Davis

To find a transcript and video of this interview, meet the other female mathematicians, and find out more about the exhibition, see here. And you can read more about Davis' recent prize-winning research in our article On the road to dark energy (with chameleons).

The music in this podcast comes from the band eusa. The track is called Plankton.

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