These articles, videos and podcasts accompany the Women of Mathematics photo exhibition, which celebrates female mathematicians from institutions throughout Europe. The exhibition was launched in Berlin in the summer of 2016 and featured thirteen female mathematicians. Another six women, all mathematicians at the University of Cambridge, have now contributed their portraits too. We took the opportunity to interview these women about their work and life, and you can read, hear or watch the interviews by clicking on the links below. You will also be able to download pdf files of the exhibition posters.
The portraits will be on display in the Isaac Newton Institute and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, both in Cambridge, from Tuesday 25th April 2017, and in the Betty and Gordon Moore Library following the exhibition.
If you would like to attend the exhibition opening on Tuesday, April 25th 2017, which will feature talks from prominent mathematicians at the University of Cambridge and a panel discussion on issues affecting women in mathematics, then please register here.
Photographs by Henry Kenyon.

Natalia Berloff — Natalia Berloff is a professor of applied mathematics. It was a problem in network theory that lured her into the exciting world of maths when she was ten years old.

Nilanjana Datta — Nilanjana Datta works in quantum information theory. She loves how mathematics can describe nature simply and elegantly.

Anne-Christine Davis — Anne-Christine Davis is a professor of theoretical physics whose long career has seen attitudes towards women change for the better. She had to put up with quite a lot at the start.

Julia Gog — Julia Gog is a mathematical biologist, helping to understand how infectious diseases spread. One of her favourite eureka moments came while she was playing a computer game.

Holly Krieger — Holly Krieger works in dynamical systems theory, in particular on chaotic systems. Some of her greatest mathematical moments have come from teaching students.

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb — Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb uses mathematics to process and analyse images. She loves the collaborative nature of maths.
The Cambridge part of the Women of Mathematics exhibition is the result of the joint efforts of the photographer Henry Kenyon and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Orsola Rath-Spivack, Holly Krieger, Anne-Christine Davis, Marianne Freiberger, Rachel Thomas, Rachel Furner, Christie Marr, Yvonne Nobis, Natalia Berloff, Nilanjana Datta and Julia Gog.